Lock device remotely

Lock device remotely is getting very popular by finance and collection agencies. Maloni creates a readily done platform to simplified integration to a third party’s system. The biggest value is that customers cannot uninstall the app, they can just with system approval. That’s why the lock device is so secure and unique by Maloni.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Lock device process

The lock device process includes just 6 simple API calls. Divide by registration, confirmation, and orders. For the registration device, we need just a simple unique ID. Confirmation means that the customer downloads the app and from this time you can lock the device anytime. And then you are just sending orders like lock device, unlock the device, push notification, etc. Usually, last order is registration, what means that customer can unregister app. And from this time, you cannot lock the device anymore.

lock device remotely
lock device remotely

Time of integration

Simple say 5-man days include testing. All process includes 6 API calls with detailly specifications and sandbox. Our support team is ready 24/7. You can test lock devices for unlimited time and up to 10 devices everything is free to include IT support. Most of the time take legal checks, but we have a readily done opinion from each market to lock the device.

How to lock device?

Lock device can be done manually, automatically, or semiautomatically. For all options, we have ready dashboards, where you can test them. There is some extra function like schedule lock device planner, device groups, and device campaigns. In the dashboard, you have all functions, which you need for all lock device functions. Include reports of devices, financial reports, or a summary of all actions.

Shortly description of the process

We are not getting any customer’s data, what we need is just a unique customer ID. On the base of ID, we are generating account and link, which has to be sent to customers to download our app. When the app is download you are getting confirmation and from this time you have full control over the device. The biggest advantage is that customers cannot uninstall the app without your permission.

Usefull information

Of course, there are some basic function done by google. But to have full control over customers phone or API how to lock customers device its done by Maloni. Specially if you like to use our phone collateral services. One of our best service is phone collateral loan, which is tailor to lending companies. Other services which we offer are Phone collateral payment plan and Phone collateral description. You can check How phone collateral works. Or get detail information from our phone collatreal news.

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